1. How Many Levelers Do You Need?
2. What Size?
Now... "Cutting crown molding is just as easy as cutting baseboard!"
For Pros & Homeowners
This is the ONLY JIG that allows installers to CUT THEIR CROWN RIGHT-SIDE-UP!
Being able to cut crown molding "right-side-up" means cutting crown molding is as easy as cutting baseboard! No more cheat sheets... This is an absolute game-changer for installing crown molding! It's quick, easy, and inexpensive! (My kind of tool)!
Cuts crown molding from 1"- 6" and fits in any miter saw.
If The Crown-Master Fails For Any Reason... We will either replace it or refund you 100%. (your choice always)
If You Change Your Mind... We will refund you (minus shipping)