About Us

About Us

Map of the United States with an American flag and a cross symbol.

All of our products are manufactured and assembled in the United States of America

All of our products are manufactured and assembled in the United States of America

100% Life -Time Warrantee
90 Days - Satisfaction Guarantee

If The EZ-Levels Fail For Any Reason... We will either replace it or refund you 100%. (your choice always)
If You Change Your Mind... We will refund you (minus shipping)

If The EZ-Levels Fail For Any Reason... We will either replace it or refund you 100%. (your choice always)

If You Change Your Mind... We will refund you (minus shipping)

Me photo

Brooks Barrington Courtney, President

800-726-5550 M-F (9:00 - 3:00 EST)

"My name is Brooks Barrington Courtney, former President of Morning Star Kitchens & Baths, Inc. I am the original inventor and developer of the EZ-Level system. We are confident that our line of specialty products will help you work smarter, faster and more efficiently.

We are passionate about product development. When a problem exists and no answer can be found... you can bet that we are all over it. "Necessity truly is ... The mother of invention."

Our sales office is located in North Port, Florida. Manufacturing provided by Southern Spring and Stamping in Venice Florida, grants us the ability to produce up to one hundred thousand units per month".

Entrance of a building surrounded by palm trees and a landscaped area.

The EZ-Levels are fabricated by Southern Spring & Stamping in Venice Florida: USA.

Note: SS&S is a fabricator only and does not sell any products. We are the manufacturer and all sales wholesale or otherwise are handled by our office.

Please notice that almost every page on our web site offers our toll free phone number. 800-726-5550 Feel free to call us any time for any reason.

I personally will not work with companies who do not provide phone numbers. We make every attempt to answer every phone call... and be assured... If we are on the other line... just leave a message... we will ALWAYS call you back.

Also you will notice... that many of our customers who have left "reviews" about our products (see Home page) have also provided personal email address! I've never seen product reviews that you can actually verify for yourself... but we go overboard for our customers and they are happy to share the love.

MorningStar Innovations & Design, Inc.
Brooks Barrington Courtney, Pres.

5519 Garrison Ave
North Port, Florida 34291
800-726-5550 (Office Main)

"I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for granting me the courage and the ability to follow my dreams".

"You've Got 20 Years Of Experience... Give It Away" - GOD

"In 2009, after much prayer, I felt led to create an in depth video series teaching folks how to install their kitchen cabinets".

Our goal was simple: "Give them every detail... Don't waste their time... and Make it easy to understand".

We spent the next 3 months shooting and editing the video and what we achieved was nothing short of a miracle. A ragtag crew... on a shoestring budget had created a video series that to this very day has rivaled every other series by far.

We have helped thousands upon thousands of families achieve their dream kitchen using the right materials and smart tools.

We have "on average" 1,200 people watching our videos EVERY SINGLE DAY! Almost 3 Million views.

"I can only thank God for His leading, and His incredible guidance because without that, we would have nothing".  

EZ-Level Sales - Go Global

EZ-Level Awarded eKomi's coveted - Gold Seal of Approval!

We Are Humbled!

We live in a sometimes cynical world where people are more apt to complain than to every take a moment to say "job well done", but to our surprise... That's exactly what our wonderful customers have done!

Just imagine: We offer tools and videos helping people (many who have little to no experience) to install their kitchen cabinets. A zillion chances for things to go wrong during the install... yet... our customers continue to bless us.

To date: We have received roughly 1900 5-star reviews!
Awarding EZ-Level the coveted Gold Seal of Approval!

Thank you all!
We are humbled !

Helping Other Inventors & Entrepreneurs

"Blessings are for Sharing"

"I've been extremely blessed, so It's a passion of mine to help others achieve their dreams too". Brooks B Courtney, Pres.

Sadly, most inventors rarely ever realize their dream. Instead they end up investing their hard earned money into projects that have little merit in the real world, and predator agencies, promising the moon, are all too happy to take their money regardless of merit.

So Brooks teaches a course on test marketing, YouTube, Google, PPC etc. However, Brooks goes on to say; "There is no way to help someone succeed until we cover the most important issue... Their relationship with God".

To know a little more just click the icon below.